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Showing posts from October, 2011

Part-II :This is not what i wanted

“No,no don’t do this!!! It was a full throttle scream which came from behind, I turned back, it was my boss there. No this is not your destiny,you cant leave the battleground without fighting, atleast not like this.Mark my words " Life is bowl of colours, its upto you to choose your colour...........CHOOSE IT"!!! “But I am fed up of all this, its been 3 months since am suffering each day, there hasn’t been a single mint when I have felt good, felt as if my life is worth living. I am dying everyday, every moment from inside, now I feel it’s the time! “ I told him with tears in my eyes. Boss came closer, put his hand over my shoulder said me to come to his cabin. Time 6:30 pm Place: South corner, Floor 1, Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi I was surprised to see a pizza box with my favourte drink on the table. Unbelievable, this cant be him. He offered me the stuffs and asked,”were you serious? Or just oozing out your frustration?” certainly it was a...

This is not what i wanted....

Time 9:30 pm Place : Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi “No,no don’t do this!!!” Screamed my boss when he saw me drafting my resignation letter 3 hours back. And the past 3 hours have been the most effective & stirring time of my life, I got to know a poles apart face which was concealed, unknown to me even after sharing the same corner of my office with him. I am talking to one of the most despised person in my office who apparently happens to my boss Mr. Furkan Ahmed. Time 9:30 am Place : Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi As the gate of lift number 1 opened on the first floor, I found one of the most familiar face from my life with whom I share almost 12 hours everyday. Mr.Furkaan Ali, DGM-Operations was waiting for me with a typical killer smile, his broad hands came around me & surprisingly he tapped my shoulders with ease & sheltered my shoulders with his hand and we directed towards our corner on the southern part of office. I was...