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Showing posts with the label humanity

Independence - Half or Full ?

स्वंतंत्रता - अधूरी या पूरी ? *********************************************************************************** ॥ जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी ॥  जब स्वयं नारायणावतार भगवान् श्रीराम ने ये कहा था तब महाजनपद होते थे और तथाकथित अखंड भारत हुआ करता था जिसे कहीं इतिहासकारों ने आर्यावर्त का नाम दिया । तब और अब में हज़ार वर्षों का बड़ा अंतर है और मानव मूल्यों में भी अनंत परिवर्तन आया हैं । आज भौतिक मूल्य , मानव-मूल्य भर भारी पड़ चूका है और सब सुख-दुःख धन के परिपेक्ष में देखा जाता है । यदि धन लोलुपता न होती तो कोई भी हिन्दू मुस्लमान आक्रमणकारियों का साथ न देता , यही धन-वैभव का लोभ ना होता तो राजे-राजवाड़े अंग्रेज़ो के तलवे ना चाट रहे होते । एक बार एक वार्ता के दौरान मुद्दा उठा की कौन से राज-घराने अंग्रेज़ो के साथ थे , क्या कोई लिखित साक्ष्य है हमारे पास ? एक वरिष्ठ इतिहासकार ने साधारण शब्दो में उत्तर दिया - "भारत भ्रमण पर निकल जाइये , जहाँ कहीं महल - किले साबूत मिलें , उनका वैभव बरक़रार हो , बस ...

Be Moral : make a new beginning!!!

“At the cash counter of civil hospital in the city of Lucknow, there was a spat going on. A young boy, (roughly around 16-17yrs old, clad in untidy clothes, unshaved and with wet eyes) was having a heated debate with the counter man, who on the opposite side of the window, was throwing typical hot-words. Nobody around were looking interested in the debate, but were firmly enjoying the drama with loads of enthusiasm. I was moving towards parking after meeting my relative who was admitted over there, but looks of the boy compelled me to get into the spat. I went to the counter & asked the boy ,”what happened, bhai”? He glanced & tried to figure out whether I am related to the hospital or not, when he failed to assess, he replied, “I need the final bills to get cleared but the counter man says to come after 3 pm”. I looked at my watch, it was 11:45 am, as is apparent, Govt. employees work only post lunch, in the similar fashion, a time of 3:30pm was wisely advised. Then I sug...

pathetic day......HUMILIATION

I can't be ANGRY 'coz ............. ..........................I AM FROM AGRI..!!!!!!!!!!!! Irony, ironical..........simple but interesting words. meaning is also as simple as that..........but there is a bunch of people, the people who face it,...... everyday, every hour, every moment........ these people are AGRARIANs i.e, we!!!!!! We are destined to live with it.......rather LIVE it!!!!!!!!! now the question arises what am i talking about???? I am talking about the humiliation a agrarian receives by the hands of bloody educated fools. i am talking about the demeaning comments, the insulting behavior and hostile attitude of the so called educated people towards the people related to the service of the MOTHER LAND.......... the FARMER the AGRICULTURISTS the AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS AND THE AGRI BUSINESS STUDENTS.................. are we destined to succumb to the pressure tactics of these so called elite group......whom we are giving the food to eat..........THEIR SURVIVAL IS AT ...