Have you ever seen lambs in the slaughter houses??? No? ok then i must tell you that if you have to figure out the tension, agony, pain, fear among them then look into eye of one of them.................Everything is self explanatory there. hmmmmm, why am i talking about Lambs, well i am just trying to compare lambs with humans. I am placement co-ordinator for the batch 09-11 and this is what i find in the fag end of day when results are ought to come & all aspirants sit, stand, totter like lambs. i won't say that they have pain, agony, fear in their eyes but yes, FF is there.........Fear of Failure...!!! Look what they do....... 1. keep their fingers crossed...in anticipation of some luck which can give them much sought after result. 2. Try to talk about anything which can keep them aloof of the proceedings but somewhere in the back of their mind, RESULTs keep revolving. 3. Keep sitting, standing in a certain position which they feel, can bring in so...
Analysis of world around us