when i was a kid, i never shared my fruits, lunch, chocos,
i literally never thought of sharing the sweets & the
formiddable "singharas* aka samosa" for which i can take
another life..........to eat..!!!
what i used to do was to take everything from my elder brother
who was a gentle kid and seriously an ideal brother, full of
patience and pardonness.......... & my lovely sis, who always
gave me a challenge as far as sharing my things were concerned..
so that was my childhood story regarding my nature...!!!
time passed, lots of water flown through Ganges and i grew up,
but still the sharing instincts were absent in me.
once i saw two beggers on the streets of civil lines
of allahabad, laughing & eating food whatever they managed to
gather for the lunch time. saw them sharing their stuffs...
one had managed to take sabji from some house & another had
few rotis..........it was just like combination of two souls
who needed eachother.
what was the first reaction, ehhh whats so special in this?
nothing, nothing special!!!
but today after many years when i thought again then many issues went through
my mind....m quoting some example below:
1. water issue between pakistan & india.
2. water issue with bangladesh.
3. water issue with nepal
4. recent spat with china over Brahmaputra river.
all problems due to uncanny situation of sharing..
is this so difficult to share?
can't share, won't share are two very important things...
Success is something you just cant share,
defeat is another thing you want to share, desperately!!!
Now, being a placement team member, i am thinking
about the batch & its future........
but where are my interests?
don't i deserve a good job?
don't i deserve a good salary?
yes, indeed!!!!
but not at the cost of others!!!
hehhh.........i cant run away from my responsibility !!!!
so whts next??
start afresh...
Never bog down!!!!
signing offf now, will come up with more stuffs from the placement
side & my own stuffs..!!
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