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Pak Envoy - Separatist Meet - Purpose Served !

Finally, separatists met with Pakistani Envoy to Delhi in spite of strict warning from Union Government.

Separatists led by Syed Geelani, a senior leader of the 26-party Hurriyat Conference, and Ex Millitant JKLFchief Yasin Malik met Pakistani high commissioner to India Abdul Basit.

One thing wonders me, all of a sudden black clouds started hovering around Indian attempts to have amicable relations with Pakistan. Why?

Let us check out the events one by one :

Ceasefire Violations :

All of a sudden there is unprecedented surge in cease-fire violations. According to reports*1 , at least 10 ceasefire violations have been committed by Pakistan troops in August itself. In normal times, it is done to push or give cover fire to militants trying entering Indian soil.
But according to current situation, its target was to escalate tension between two countries to derail bilateral talks.

Meeting Separatists :

Every now and then Yasin Malik, Ex-Milltant & JKLF Chief goes to Pakistan and meets his bosses across border. Same is with other so called separatist leaders who live in denial of the fact that they eat Indian food and are surviving because of Indian army ( else their fate will be akin to Afghanistan or Baluchistan ). But, MSM usually ignores such incidents as it is against their secular traits to put forth reality to public domain.

But, All of a sudden how come media gave 200 % attention to these separatists meeting their boss in India. When we see closely, we find that there was a bigger agenda hidden under the sheets.

Agenda was to engage Pakistan media and also main stream media of India on this meeting and its after effects.

Pakistan is going through political instability and only one thing can bind Pakistan, which is Anti-India sentiments and Kashmir issue.

So the card was played cleverly, Pakistan government could buy time to derail the truck of opposition in Pakistan who were demanding removal of Sharif government over corruption charges.

PAK - they were able to deviate attention from internal turmoil Pakistan is going through and this issue has brought all fighting parties under one roof again.

Separatist : they are a piece of classic case study, living in Denial and finally after a long-time garnered some attention.
Therefore, Purpose served for both parties :



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