when i was a kid, i never shared my fruits, lunch, chocos, i literally never thought of sharing the sweets & the formiddable "singharas* aka samosa" for which i can take another life..........to eat..!!! what i used to do was to take everything from my elder brother who was a gentle kid and seriously an ideal brother, full of patience and pardonness.......... & my lovely sis, who always gave me a challenge as far as sharing my things were concerned.. so that was my childhood story regarding my nature...!!! time passed, lots of water flown through Ganges and i grew up, but still the sharing instincts were absent in me. once i saw two beggers on the streets of civil lines of allahabad, laughing & eating food whatever they managed to gather for the lunch time. saw them sharing their stuffs... one had managed to take sabji from some house & another had few rotis..........it was just like combination of two souls who needed eachother. what...
Analysis of world around us