time: 7:30 pm
venue: a very old architecture with red bricks and wooden chairs along with Teak-tables, a waiter in posh-white outfit reminding me of British era, this place is "Coffee House" in the Civil lines area of Allahabad city. .
Over the corner table on my left there were two oldies sitting,
not just sitting though, but sipping there coffee.
complete silence, a pin-drop per say.
only the crumble sound of news-paper, if at all turned. both oldies very so carried away with that news-paper article that they forgot the world around them.
sudden electricity fails,
one of the two said,
Jyoti Babu chole geche !!!!
and there was big laugh all around,,,,,
i was perplexed what electricity has to do with Jyoti babu??
i asked the gentleman what he meant by that?
he offered me a chair and ordered a cup of coffee for me as well.
he told me that both are Bengolis and they were part of Communist
movement in the late sixties and late seventies which was led by
the legend JYOTI babu.
then in later period of time both joined Allahabad University as
Profs and settled here in the heart of this city of intellectuals.
but even after leaving Kolkata 35 years back, they still remember
the intense charisma of Jyoti babu so they decided to remember him
in a very unique way.
whenever light goes, one of them Yells, "Jyoti Babu gone".........
and this is being practiced incessantly from decades without any
but FINALLY "Jyoti Babu has GONE!!!!!!!
a lagend,
a charisma,
a true leader,
a man of ideals,
have finally departed leaving behind a tale of struggle, success and
managed to survive these long battle of struggle and resistance.
a grad from Presidency with honors in English and then attained a Law degree
from London, did everything right in all manners.
his accession to Bengal CM post in 1973 and the next 23 years saw a party
growing powerful and the collapse of Kolkata as one of biggest centre of job
opportunity and industries.
he tenure was like :
"Grey clouds all around with olden shines all around"
eventually grey area was superseded by the golden (JYOTI) shines.
this is really a debate that whether he was the most powerful leader or the most acknowledged intellect in the political fraternity.
but certainly he is the person to see for the inspiration and the the POLE Star to
find the way through the dark.......his jyoti will certainly pave the way.
" Now this morning when i read the news of his demise in the news-paper, the crumbling sound of the paper reminded me of those two oldies in coffee house of Allahabad. i want to know the reaction of both.
hope they will continue the practice of remembering the legend.
and i request you all to remember the Icon.
and yell every time when light goes:
"JYOTI BABU CHOLE GECHE" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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