Happy "re_PUBLIC day"
all mundane activities took place,
nothing new at all.
get up in the morning & get ready for the FLAG hosting ceremony,
again some pleasant words thrown targeting poor students, aahhh!
but in New Delhi, hundreds of crores spent on the flower decoration,
stage management, dance groups , managing thousands of people etc etc,
also few hundred crores went in ashes to rope in fighter planes, "choppers" and also to portray the might of Indian army in the form of decorated "Soldiers"- demonstrating their skills of march past and other bravery items etc.
certainly it is a huge task to manage these kind of programs where you expect the World media and everybody to keep an eagle eye at a slightest mistakes.
therefore everything is thoroughly checked and tested before the final event.
you know all care is taken by the Cultural Ministry, HRD ministry, Defense ministry and all top officials who get only 2 chance in a year to show their management skills rapped in Patriotism(?).....
but one thing everybody ignored , u know whom???
yess! a very important thing which is the soul of the event.
PUBLIC........is left behind on "RE-(PUBLIC)-DAY.
i was thinking about the work re-PUBLIC, what is signifies?
i think probably, the constitution makers knew one day, everybody will forget about the PUBLIC who make this country, who actually own the country and who are the representative of INDIA,
therefore they devised the term RE-Public which meant
RE-(member) PUBLIC ............
still after 60 years of being re-PUBLIC, we are still trailing in all growth indexes.
we are the 2nd best country to live in the INDIAN sub-continent only next to BHUTAN......it sounds good isn't it?
obviously we are better off as compared Sri lanka, Bangladesh , Nepal and the most important thing in Indian mindset the PAKISTAN!!!
but we stand well over 80th rank on the scale of Most coveted place to live in the world.
similarly there are hundreds of parameters on which we Indians' fail miserably but still we don't regret to call our selves a great NATION.
we are in buttering !!!
every Indian has mastered this art of buttering their bosses!
an engineer oils his project chief,
a doctor oils his/her chief medicos,
a teacher oils principal,
a principal butters her/ his boss to save chair,
a student oils his teacher
so rightly it had been said,
that in India there used to be rivers of Milk.
now the milk has been churned and changed into butter.
but where is the common man, he can't even butter anybody coz for butter he needs to shell out money...............which he donot have.
come on yaaar!
now let him breath and open his hands to grab his life and hold what he should deserve, but this is not possible because of our honorable politicians and red-tape officers.
here politicians are given GOD like treatment,
their words can instigate riots,
their words can appease crying soul,
their words can divide the nation,
their words can put hopeless pride in people (ethnocentrism)
their words can't join broken peace
their words can't join broken faith
their words can't join divided nation
their words can't / shouldn't be the last SAY..........
it should be ours that WE can and we WILL DECIDE OUR LIFE!!!
its time to tell them
hey! ministers and bureaucrats !!!!
please don't forget the premiere of the NATION ie, PUBLIC
don't forget that they are resilient therefore
you guys can have a lavish life,
you can capture big lands for your farm houses,
you can sleep sound with your wives(?)
don't forget
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