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West Bengal : Paint it Green, Remove Red........

Originally published in May 2011 :

“Long ago, there was a king called Kamunist, he was a great ruler and had a great control over his state. He was very clever and had immense administrative acumen. With his wisdom and acute knowledge of people management the King became almost invincible and ruled his state for decades”.
One fine morning a noble Brahmin came to the state and after looking at the status of people and the economy of state, he decided to go the king. When king heard about the Brahmin he gracefully invited him to his court and welcomed him to the court.
Then the king asked the brahmin,“Hey brahmin, I am grateful to you that you arrived at my door, what can I do for you? Brahmin replied, “Rajan! I heard a lot about you & your administrative acumen and therefore I came all along to see you and to see the people.
King Kammunist became happy after hearing Brahmin’s words, he further asked,”so what did you find, did you liked my administration, my courtmen, the prosperity in the estate?
Brahmin took a pause, thought and then said, “O King Kammunist, I appreciate your administrative skills and have full faith in your courtmen but when it comes to prosperity among the people, I am afraid your state takes the back seat. This is the only reason I came all the way to understand your definition of prosperity.”
King was surprised, annoyed as well. He said,”Look at my court, my castle, my capital city which is comaprable to none”. Go around and have a look at the cultural heritage I have kept intact in all these years, I have done all good things to restore and save the pride of my people.
Brahmin smiled and said,”this is what I want to tell you my King, I agree your court, castle, capital city is incomaparable, your culture and its heritage is an epic in itself but have you looked beyond the walls of your castle? Did you tried to look at the other cities apart from your capital? In the name of cultural heritage, you blocked the doors of fresh ideas, innovation, and you succeeded to inculcate a false pride among your people which is baseless atleast in modern times. Your people are happy with their past but have uncertain future. But it is time for change!!
Its not that your people love you or respect you, but they don’t have any option. They expect a lot from you but afraid of your cadres who torture them, suppress them, deprive them from justice. This is all because of your complacency. You assumed that nobody can dethrone you ever but remember one thing my dear King “Change is inevitatble, either you change or the time will change you”.
The King Kammunist realised his fault and fell on the Brahmins’ feet. He promised that he will not be myopic anymore and will try to provide justice to all the people of state. The king ordered his courtmen to go the people and work for the people. Thus, the king Kammunist regained the lost respect from the people and ruled happily for long.

Wow, a nice story for kids, a nice lecture on justice and expectations from a leader. Lets come back to the ground now, immoral, concrete ground in the scroching heat.

Lets relive the above story in perspective. West Bengal is the state and the King Kammunist (Communists) and the Brahmin (may be Ms.Bannerjee). The story coincides ditto on the ground realities of WB but only with a slight change in the last paragraph of the story.

In the story the King Kammunist realised his fault and pledged to tighten all screws in his administration for bringing justice, egalitarian societal norms and true prosperity among its people. But in reality, the CPI(M) govt never acknowledged his faults, its mistakes, atrocities over the people and its deeds which destroyed the industries, business houses, economy of west bengal in the name of change or social reform.
They took the mandate of people for granted and I believe this is time to make them understand that “Change is inevitable”.
Let’s pray, the fresh mandate will “Remove Red and Paint it green”.
That it will remove the outdated, anti-development red with the Green which stands for prosperity, growth and development.
I wish the King Kammunist of modern times should have heard the Brahmin but I reckon its too late and one thing is inevitable now ……………………………
”Green prevailing over Red”


  1. friends,
    i would appreciate if you put up your comments.
    it helps to keep inspired, keep improving and it really motivates to write.

  2. Good work Vinod, keep it up!!!.... you are really wonderful in expressing your views... I like it. :)

  3. thanx rajita,
    wud try my best to keep d intensity


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