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Indian Democracy : Joke of Millenia

As a student of Std IV, first time I read about Kingdom of Magadh. First civilized democracy of Indian subcontinent. I hardly knew meaning of democracy then. Soon, my first exposure of concept of democracy came in Std V, when there was voting done in the class and my enemy was chosen as class monitor.

That was the first time, when i learned to accept something even when you don't agree with, why?Because,majority is against you wish.

Now, when i look back and compare with the democracy that our Great (?) nation boasts off, i feel disheartened, saddened and ashamed.

We are a country born behind dark curtains where a bunch of leaders made a decision not only to divide the land but also they dug a deep crater in the heart of generations to come.

When start is bad, then it was an utmost duty of leaders,then,to keep the country together, for a common cause....TO MAKE NATION STRONGER!!!

But when i look back to last 65 years then i find filth in name of politics, high-handedness in terms of social work, corruption in name of convenience.

When British left India, country was wide open for vultures, clad in white clothes, clad in red clothes...they looted, vandalised the temple of Mother India. True Gandhians left main-stream politics as promised but the filthy ConChors took up the lead with Nehru & team.

When we try to search the very fabric of Indian democracy, then we hardly find anything which can be termed as democratic. It was always a number game, a game of convenience rather than a fair play based on eligibility.

Nehru era was full of corruption, licensing but he can be pardoned as it was tough time, a tough terrain to walk for a new born nation.

But tenure of Indira was a tyranny, a true autocracy in which nepotism defeated era of Dhritrashtra of Mahabharata.

Democracy in India is very much a autocracy where common men are fooled in the name of religion, caste, creed, races. Politicians have divided India into their home grown battle ground where one person does not have trust on other because other one has different religion, language or caste.

Now there is a name called Narendra Modi, who has been in news from 2002 onwards for reasons known to world.

Social media is abuzz with NaMo mania with lakhs of followers to his twitter handlem, facebook fan pages. such veneration was probably seen for Gandhi, Nehru or Subhash i believe.

He is a strong personality of course which INDIA needs at this time. .


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