News came in the early morning on a news channel that Osama Bin Laden was found & killed at some place in Pakistan. I was shocked with the news, that how come a person like Osama can be killed.
So here is my analysis of the truth behind curtains: I used three spects to look at the proceedings.
1. Pakistan : A nation which terms itself as victim of terrorism, an ally of US, staunch supporter of counter terrorism operations in Afganistan and by virtue of it, it earns millions of dollars as free ball from US, a full range of battle ready equipments, explosives, technologies from the bosses sitting in white house.
But inadvertently, against all claims illustrated earlier in the above para, Pakistan has earned the status of Safe Heaven for the millitants, terrorist, extemists from all over the world. Pakistan because of its strategic position which gives it neighbours like Iran in west, afganistan in north n arabian sea in the south-west makes itself as an impeccable need for United States which needs Pakistan land for its operations in Afganistan & for operations against Iran, if at all required in recent future.
But what makes Pakistan so vulnerable & prone to extemist dominence? Answer is easy & simple. Pakistan draws its power from the Millitary which plays games hand in hand with ISI. All games concentrate on one thing which is pro-muslim regime in the world. Its all war-plans are kept at the front with India on the charts. And, now with Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afganistan under US scanner, Pakistan was only safe heaven for terrorists & extremists across asia.
Lets come back to Osama!
Osama Bin Laden is a personality which is not dispensable so easily therefore there can be many interpretations about the entire proceedings & its pros – cons as well.
a) Pakistan was unaware of entire operation. If this is true, then it is not impossible assumption that US will declare a sea change in its foreign policy with respect to Pakistan. If this is true, then US & its allies must be in process to declare something nasty against pakistan in coming days.
But if it is not true, that is, if Pakistan authorities were taken in confidence at all, then it simply means that some barter has been done. Or Al-queda is ready to be given some leeway in order to regroup & Pakistan is going to get some leaps in terms of financial assistance or millitary revamp.
If Pakistan allowed US to go ahead with Osama then it simply means that there was no option left for Pak government & in bargain they must have been failed heavily.
Still truth is behind the curtains!!!
b) United States: 10 years of persuit, 10 long years of hope against the devil which cost US a dent in their security claims, which rampaged the US claims of being the safest place to live on the planet. Finally they brought Osama to justice. But what it means for US to get Osama killed?
If you see recent past, President Obama is incessently failing at domestic, international fronts to keep going against fight for terrorism because everywhere they failed, be it Iraq, be it Afganistan or now recent example of Gaddafi regime in Libya. Questions were coming from all corners of the world about the efficacy of the US operations, huge claims and this is the moment when all critics are shut for a while, all the waste of tax payers money lost in last 10 years is justified in a sense.
This success may work as a breather for Obama government.
But it may raise a rage against the US & its allies across the globe which is a new threat & a discussion point now. Osama dead is dengerous than Osama alive.
c) India : Sadly indian government is not in position to comment or act swiftly after all happenings in last 2 days, why? Because all top brains are working hard in West Bengal elections, corruption cases, PAC report, 2G spectrum scam, Anna Hazare & allies. So nobody has literally any time to respond & act in the nations interest.
Moreover they don’t even have time to look for missing chief minister of Arunachal Pradesh.
finally news have arrived that Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh is killed in the crash....RIP
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