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wana right.......

i wana right.... everybody says this line, coz everybody is busy in asking for rights but look at me, i wana write, coz i wana write and i am not getting time to express myself. Bhara pada hai paap ka ghada, ab to kuch likhna padega.... soooon


its a story in the backdrop of recent Mumbai blast at 6:53 pm in dadar, where a person dies.this is the last page of his life....... 7:30 am A lazy morning in Mumbai, sunlight is filtering through the curtains and on the bed, I am lazily thinking about priorities of my day. I have office at 9, meet with international clients at 11, prepare for tomorrows presentation till 4, then have meeting with boss at 6, hummff that’s it for the day!!! No, no I forgot one thing I have to go to car machanic for wheel alignment as well but before 7 pm at any cost. Well, after getting all the days business set in my mind, I dug my face again in the pillow and fell asleep only when a screaming sound made entry over my ear drums “aaj to Bandar-Bandariya ki shaadi ho rahi hai”(today monkey couple are marrying eachother)… was my little kido “Saniya” whom we all call Sana. She jumped over my belly and said,”papa, dekho na bahar kitna acha lag raha hai, barish aur dhoop sath sath”. I grazed out of...

Again another blast........understand IED!!

Again A blast rocked Mumbai few hours back. Police says, its an IED blast by unknown terrorists. But i am puzzled with the fact that gradually Indian forces & authorities have shifted from RDX to IED in last few years. Lets see, what IED is and is it is deadly enough to trigger mass destruction. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs : Overview An IED can be imagined with any type of material and initiator. It is a "homemade" device that is designed to cause death or injury by using explosives alone or in combination with toxic chemicals, biological toxins, or radiological material. IEDs can be produced in varying sizes, functioning methods, containers, and delivery methods. IEDs can utilize commercial or military explosives, homemade explosives, or military ordnance and ordnance components. They are unique in nature because the IED builder has had to improvise with the materials at hand. Designed to defeat a specific target or type of target, they generally becom...

“Beyond Borders”

I was reading a book yesterday which talked about nationalism and its consequences. The 300 page book is well written and poses questions beyong imagination for a thinker. I am one of those thinkers who believe in rationalism. I wish to get into the groove of the matter which makes me to do some homework all the time. Tiring though  When we talk of nationalism, then I must say it has powers beyond imagination. It can change a common man into Adolf Hitler, a thinker like Bhagat Singh into an armed activist, Mohan das Gandhi into Mahatma. There are hundreds of examples which has its positives and negatives but one thing is common in all of them, NATIONALISM.. Amazingly denegraded, unnoticed power of all time, this has turned Germany into Phoenix, United States into the most powerful state of the world, Japan into fearsome fighter nation and India into one nation (after having history of a divided states, 100 of them fighting for pity awkward self esteem). When I talk about a natio...

News : who got the last laugh?

News came in the early morning on a news channel that Osama Bin Laden was found & killed at some place in Pakistan. I was shocked with the news, that how come a person like Osama can be killed. So here is my analysis of the truth behind curtains: I used three spects to look at the proceedings. 1. Pakistan : A nation which terms itself as victim of terrorism, an ally of US, staunch supporter of counter terrorism operations in Afganistan and by virtue of it, it earns millions of dollars as free ball from US, a full range of battle ready equipments, explosives, technologies from the bosses sitting in white house. But inadvertently, against all claims illustrated earlier in the above para, Pakistan has earned the status of Safe Heaven for the millitants, terrorist, extemists from all over the world. Pakistan because of its strategic position which gives it neighbours like Iran in west, afganistan in north n arabian sea in the south-west makes itself as an impeccable need for Unit...


Break Fast what it means? more often we use it in the morning time when we gulp something. actually it means to break the fast or the pause in eating due to night. but if you look at the literal meaning of it then you can derive numerous meanings, interpretations. But i am using Break Fast today to intimate the break in the fast life which never let me sit with my laptop & finger it at my will to mark my feelings into words. Here i start........................again........

SIIB : Placements Cell - Life is good..........

the journey started in July 2010 is still going but the pace has gone down, pressure has been eased off and deliverables have been delivered so far,,, and the journey of 8 months has been tiring, emotionally charged, full of angry moments, arguments, heart breaks, sometimes fun, sometimes laugh , sometimes giggles and many feelings which cant be penned down.. I don claim that i did all the good work but for sure i did mistakes and suffered due to them. Lost many opportunities in the way which claimed many seats for my fellow Symbian, screwed many chances which could have been turned in awesome placements. sometimes i felt like instead of being in a team, stealing information upto me so that there cant be a leak in the information and on the other hand sometimes i shared information with batch mates which was against the ethics. but i did when time demanded for it. i had the privilege to get in touch with all kind of interesting creature called HR manager. they seem to be the mo...