the title says, not what i wanna say.
it says what my life is going thruuuu!
lots of hope
allot many dezires to come up with.......
but sadly SIIB gives no respite, no breathers,
no anky-wanky time pass.....juzzzz STUDIES!!!!!!
SO I have an interesting(?) story to tell.......when
i really fell in the arena of RACE AGAINST TIME>>>.
Myself along with Doctor Manish and Rishu Sood, ganged up
for the Sectorama- IIM-Ahmedabad contest. we did our best
prepare a report over the Agri-business as a whole and also
tried our use(d)-less brains to stretch across the corners.
finally we came up with the Project YAKSHINI-an overview
of Agri-sector.
time: 11:45:00 pm .
deadline of submission::::::11:59:59 pm.
so 15 mints.........who cares about it.
but my lovely SYMBIOSIS WI-FI facility does care!!!!
when i started trying to send the mail to respective IIM
guy, WI-FI showed no connectivity (nothing unusual).
then it was time to run along the corners with lappi to search
few dandi of network.
but all in vain.......................
pritam dada came in for rescue but he too fell apart.
finally somehow i managed to send the mail at 11:59:43pm.
sood was over the roof, danced and chipped in with 1 nasty
punjabi number..........and we decided to start for Finance
test then.
went back to room and started for test prep but.........
.............i don know how i did it but something propelled
me to check my mail.
when i checked ........blunderrrr!!!!!!!!!!
the IIM-guy D.Maski, came up with interesting mail asking for
the attachment i was supposed to send along with the mail.
means what?????
i had sent the mail without attaching the project report.
oh my god!!!!!!!!!
what a crap, what a waste..........
somehow i managed to persuade the MASKY and send the project
at 12:23 am.
so moral of the story is................
if you are in hurry
don believe in SYMBI facilities.........they will screw uuuu
this episode reminded me of COELHO once again...
" when i decide to do something,
...........whole WORLD conspires to
.......................LET IT HAPPEN"!!!!!!
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