This question has been raised thousand times but the answer is .......blank.
"Point Blank", today, will try to raise the question again and will try to
provide the answer as well.
You have to tell, how correct "PB" is and where "PB" went wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have given few maps of India where the "kashmir" is portrayed in a manner
that it is not a part of India. the source of the map is https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook
when the entire world is portraying this map, do INDIA stands anywhere in the
International politics to show his mettle? probably not!
this is the curse which Mr.Nehru gave India when he took Kashmir issue to UN.
now "PB" will put some facts about the view points regarding "Kashmir map" of both sides viz, India and
Pak(?)istan( source WIKI......[ aslo CHINA ( a player under the blanket).]
Each government issues maps depicting their claims in Kashmir as part of their territory, regardless of actual control.
It is illegal in India to exclude all or part of Kashmir in a map. It is also illegal in Pakistan not to include the state of Jammu and Kashmir as disputed territory, as permitted by the United Nations*.
but the important point* here is that the map published by CIA do not recognize disputed Kashmir as a disputed area instead it has shown it as a part of PAKISTAN.
The Government of India states that "the external artificial boundaries of India, especially concerning the Kashmir region under its jurisdiction created by a foreign body are neither correct nor authenticated", the only truth is that Kashmir is an integral part of INDIA and it will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, as an Indian i feel that this is weakness of a government to allow such websites
and portal which show/publish the detached kashmir map. as this act has changed the
mindset of the people, i remember one incidence in recent past where, during a
presentation in the class room, India's map was shown which was having the wrong depiction of KASHMIR and Arunachal Pradesh. this was not a fault but the reality is
that if you search Indias' map, you will not find the TRUE MAP but the faulty map.
do you know???
PAKISTANi share in KASHMIR: 37%
CHINA-ese share in KASHMIR: 20% ( Can you imagine?)
Everything said and done in last 60 years but the ground reality has worsened and fact is that millions of KASHMIRI HINDUs are living as migrants in their own country!
because they are KASMIRI.......no because they are HINdu who is never been a potential vote bank of any party in INDIA or is not a force to frighten to.
these poor men don't have representation anywhere, donot have recognition except being called migrants.
what you say guys???
is this justified???????
I cannot make a big change but YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!
join together and make sure not to use any misrepresented map of INDIA in your life.
probably this small act will not do a big charisma but certainly give you a moment of relief............of being an INDIAN.
enough for today.
Will come back..........soon.
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